newsboys concert,solo concert,and promo Phil Joel pictures
*NOTE*All pictures are "thumbnail" size and when you save them they are saved at thier "actual" size(much bigger)
Hey guys...Im daily adding pictures to this ablum and in fact the others too...I made all the pictures in 'thumbnail'(though when you save them they are in their actual size) size so the page wouldnt take forever to load..Im trying to decide weather to make a phil photos2 or to just keep adding more to this because I dont want to cludder up the site nor do I want to cludder up this page...blah so I really have no choices eh? Well I'll stop rambling now... Sept. 20th-I've decided to make a "Phil Photos Page2" because the page takes so long to load it will be a few days before that ones fully up and I may move about 10 pics from the page there. Well God Bless
-Phil Joel Pics Page 2 has been made and should have many photos by Sept. 28th 2001.