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Jody Bio.


Full Name: Jody Brian Davis


Date of Birth: September 26, 1967

Position In band: Guitarist and some Vocals

From: Petersburg Indiana (no its NOT Evansville Near there though)

Currently Living: Next door to fellow Newsboy Jeff F. in Franklin TN

Wife: Erika Davis who is a Ballerina

Family:John and Devera, siblings are sisters Abby, Jackie and Jennifer

Pets:dog named Patches

Kids: Bethany Katherine Davis born Feb 13th

Newsboy Since: Going Public "Era"

Loves:His IZONE Camera,Cooking,Sugar Free Gum,Coffee(starbucks) Fox Racing Gear

Jody Does not: own a Computer

Jeff Bio


Full Name: Jeffrey Ryan Frankenstien

Wifes Name: Jeni "The Bride Of Frankenstien"(Jennifer Good) Married Dec. 16th 2000


Position In the Band:Keeping his eyes closed?Keyboardist

Birthday: June 26, 1974

From: "Sterling Heights"Detroit, Michigan

Now living: in Franklin, TN next door to Jody Davis


Family: Parents:John and Sandy siblings Has a younger sister named Becky(biological)

Bible Charactor:David

Nickname:Oinch (doesnt mean Oi! Neva Chew Ham..fans made that up) No one knows what OINCH means but the newsboys and Bob Smiley and some Roadies

Likes-To keep his eyes closed