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No not female newsboys fans..thier wives and children

At the poll page a majority of the votes said to make all the pictures thumbnail size so they are all small now but when you save them they will save to their actual size so they dont save tiny...
-3 new pictures added Sept. 20th 2001

Picture of Heather Joel I took İMe

a Pic of Heather I took İMe

Taken By Elisabeth in Early Sept. 2001 *New*

Taken by Elisabeth in early sept. 2001 *NEW*

Heather Joel

Heather June 2000 Fan fair(CMT)

Breeon Duncan Wedding

Breeon n Duncan

Phil and Heathers Wedding

Pete and Summers Wedding Picture

(Old) Picture of Jeff and Jeni

Jody Duncan Breeon(P) Erika(D)

İBeccaİ   Breeon(Phillips) and Summer(Furler)

Heather and Phyn İbecca

My Heather and Phyn Picture İmeİ

Heathers Dad Heather Heathers Mom Phynİme opjfsarahİ

My Picture of Phynley İOPJF SARAHİ

Phil Joel Urry as a Kiddy

Pete as a Baby

Pete as a Kid...I love this picture

Dunny and his Sis as a babe...Melissa or Gita

A Little on Heather and Phynley Joel

Full Name:Heather Elizabeth Joel

Birthday:December 15th

Married to:Phil Joel (duh)

Children:Phynley Elizabeth Joel


Height:approx. 6foot.

Occupation:Former Co-Host of CMT's "Hit Trip" and "All Access" and once worked at a radio station where she met Phil.

Born:Oct. 15th 2000

Height/Weight at birth: 7 lbs. 5 oz. 21 inches long.

Was due on: October 22 2001

Heather found out she was pregnent on: Febuary 14th 2000


-Heather and Phil were going to name thier baby Phynley wheather it was a boy or a girl.

-Phynley means 'blonde haired warroir'